Career Counselling

Our individual counselling services begin with an in-depth career assessment. Generally this assessment is completed in one 60-minute session with a professional Career Strategist.

The career assessment provides the foundation for our services. It helps us understand your strengths, skills and employment needs. At the end of the assessment we will help you identify the opportunities and choices ahead of you. We can also help you create a return-to-work action plan and connect you with the information, programs and services you need to achieve your career goals.

Your return-to-work action plan may include individual career counselling meetings with your Career Strategist or a referral to a community-based programs such as:

  • Career Planning
  • Job Search / Job Club
  • Targeted Wage Subsidy
  • Self-Employment Programs
  • Skills Development Funding

For more information please call:

  • Burnaby - 604-298-4757
  • North Vancouver - 604-929-1730
  • Squamish -  604-815-4550 or toll free 1-888-882-2238
  • Whistler -  604-932-1600 or toll free 1-877-932-1611

Please note that you will be required to attend a Career Orientation Session prior to scheduling an appointment with a Career Strategist.