Program Overview

Our team of employment professionals will work with you to identify the skills your employees need to succeed in your workplace. We will develop a training plan and provide up to $900 per employee for training.

There is no restriction on the type of training that your employees pursue however training must be short-term (less than three months).

More than one employee can participate in the program. Depending on their needs, they may complete the same training or have individual training plans.

Benefits of Training

Investing in training helps you:

  • Increase staff loyalty & motivation
  • Build your reputation as a great place to work
  • Reduce mistakes & safety accidents 
  • Increase productivity & customer satisfaction
  • Grow your business 

Getting Started

Contact Nicole Cannon at 604-298-4757 ext. 227 to discuss your training needs and learn more about how the program works. If you are interested in participating, we'll set up a meeting and start developing a training plan for your employee(s).

We recognize that as a small business owner, your time is valuable. As professional career practitioners, we will ensure that our time together is informative and productive.