
Unit Readings

All resources are provided to you directly within the course content. Please note that the Supplemental Readings are not required course readings, they are simply additional resources that you may want to explore for further information.



Supplemental Readings:

  • A Team is More Than a Group of People by Patricia Fripp.
  • The Genius of Teamwork by Patricia Fripp.


Supplemental Reading:

  • Tools for Teamwork by Fred Hapgood

Course Glossary

Asynchronous communication - a form of communication where each participant communicates at different times. It does not happen simultaneously. Threaded discussions, email and voice mails are some examples of asynchronous communication.

e-Collaboration - a process of creating and accomplishing a task that occurs when a group of people work together in an electronic format or combination of electronic formats and accomplish more than one person could do alone.

e-Facilitator - an individual that provides guidance and direction to a group of people in an electronic dialogue.

e-Learning - is a mode of learning that uses technology for the delivery, interaction and or facilitation of the learning.

Interactive Community - a Web-based meeting place that features a variety of communication technologies, including tools such as threaded discussion forums, chatrooms, filing sharing, and community calendars.

Learning Community - a meeting place for people on the Internet to connect to learning goals and objectives. This connection can be made through posting thoughts, sharing files and sharing resources. It is designed to facilitate interaction and collaboration among people who share common interests and shared goals.

Synchronous Communication - a form of communication that happens live. Electronic chat, web conferencing, and teleconferences are forms of technology based synchronous communication.

Synergy - the dynamic, energetic atmosphere created in a face-to-face or online environment when participants interact and ultimately their idea output exceeds the possible outcomes of the individual contributions.

Additional definitions can be found at ASTD's e-Learning Glossary

Click here to access a printable PDF version of this glossary.


  • Davis, Brian L. et al. (1996). Successful Manager's Handbook: Development Suggestions for Today's Managers. USA: Personnel Decisions International.

  • Fripp, Patricia, A Team is More Than a Group of People. Retrieved May 3, 2002 from www.fripp.com/art.team.html

  • Fripp, Patricia, The Genius of Teamwork. Retrieved May 3, 2002 from www.fripp.com/art.genius.html

  • Garvin, David A. (2000) Learning in Action: A guide to Putting the Learning Organization to Work. USA: Harvard Business School Press.

  • Gibbons, Tracy and Brenowitz, Randi (2001). Workforce Collaboration: A byproduct of the Technology - Driven Market. Retrieved April 26, 2002 from www.brenowitzconsulting.com/pub/article_6.html

  • Gordon, Douglas (2001). Quick Skills: Teamwork. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-West Education Publishing.

  • Guffey, Mary Ellen et al. (1999). Business Communication: Process and Product. Canada: ITP Nelson

  • Hall, Brandon (2001). New Technology Definitions. Retrieved April 23, 2002 from www.brandonhall.com/public/glossary/index.htm

  • Hapgood, Fred (1998). Tools for Teamwork,
    Retrieved June, 2002 from www.cio.com/archive/webbusiness/110198_power.html

  • Jenkinson, Karla and LeBlanc, Louise (2002). Workplace Learning Communities. Canada: Training Innovations Inc.

  • Kostner, Jaclyn (2001). Bionic e-Team Work: How to Build Collaborative Virtual Teams at Hyper Speed. USA: Dearborn Trade.

  • Marshall, Edward M. (1995). The Collaborative Workplace. Management Review, Vol. 84, Issue 6. (PDF requires Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® to view. To download a copy of the reader from Adobe's website please visit Technical Support).

  • Maruca, Regina Fazio (2000). What Makes Teams Work?
    Retrieved June 2002 from www.fastcompany.com/online/40/one.html

  • McGehee, Tom (2001). Whoosh: Business in the Fast Lane. USA: Perseus Publishing.

  • McShane, Steven L. (1992). Canadian Organizational Behavior. USA: Richard D. Irwin Inc.

  • Senge, Peter M. (1994). The Fifth Discipline Field book: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization. USA: Doubleday Publishing.

  • Terez, Tom (2000). 22 Keys to Creating a Meaningful Workplace. USA: Adams Media Corporation.

  • Tuckman, B. W. (1965). "Developmental Sequence in Small Groups", Psychological Bulletin, volume 63, pages 384-399.

  • Tuckman, B. W., & Jensen, M.A. (1977). "Stages of Small Group Development Revisited", Group and Organization Studies, volume 2, pages 419-427.

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