Program Overview

Career e-Volutions is designed as a 4-week program.  Each week you will complete a series of five modules, based on the four key themes.  While you can expect to spend 2-3 hours on each module, the program is flexible and allows you to spend more time on the modules that are most relevant to you.

Getting Started

As a first step you will complete an orientation module to get familiar with the learning platform and the online communication tools.  This module takes approximately 1 hour to complete and will help you feel comfortable with the features of the program.

Week One – Career Assessment

In the first week you will explore your personality, values, and interests and discover how they influence your career choices and ultimately your work satisfaction.  You will complete a number of formal and informal assessment activities including the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Career Interest Profiler.  You will also consider your transferable skills and understand how they apply to different career options.

Week Two – Generating Options

In the second week, you will identify possible work options for yourself and begin to narrow them down into viable career choices.  You will start to research the local labour market to better understand the current economic realities for your preferred occupation(s).

Week Three – Research & Decision Making

In week three, you will learn about the job opportunities in your field, as well as the skills, experience and credentials required to secure a position.  With the support of your e-Faciltiator you will evaluate your choices, determine a career target, and set personal goals for securing work or pursuing additional skills training.

Week Four – Your Plan of Action

In week four, you will start to put your plan into action.  You will develop effective job search tools including a targeted resume and cover letter, tap into networks to access the hidden job market, and practice your self-marketing and interview skills.

Follow Up Support

Upon completion, you can expect up to 12 weeks of follow-up support with your e-Facilitator, as well as 12 weeks of un-facilitated access to program and content resources.