Customized Solutions

The experienced design team at Training Innovations will work directly with your organization to develop a customized solution to meet your needs. Our process begins with a free service consultation to discuss your ideas and goals. From there, we will build a proposal that details pricing and timelines to enable further discussion prior to finalizing a custom development agreement. Examples of our customized solutions are provided below.

Enterprise Deployment
If you are a government department or larger organization wanting to deploy online career services to a large body of users, we'll work with you to develop the optimal deployment configuration. This could include software deployment behind your fire wall, customized permissions, changes in the software skin, customized learning templates, and training and implementation support for all of your team.

Customized Content Development
If you have proprietary content or processes you'd like to move into an online delivery system, we can work with you to develop highly effective online materials tailored to your clients' learning needs. We have experience writing for target and specialized audiences and can help you bring your own unique materials to life in the online space!

Systems Planning
If you have access to alternative web-based learning software, we can help you consider and evaluate the best way to maximize the software's capabilities to build robust and interactive online career services. Although systems vary in capabilities and features, understanding the core pedagogical design to enable effective career and human development online will support you in building a quality offering.

Building Marketing Solutions
With extensive experience designing effective marketing campaigns to promote online career services, we can work with you to effectively target your message and graphic selection to communicate the value and process of interactive, facilitated career services.

Service Evaluation
Effectiveness and usefulness are critical factors to assess for all career services. When moving the practice to an online space there are new variables to consider in interpreting the quality of the service. We can work with you to create a tailored evaluation process to ensure you are getting the feedback you need to assess your service. 

Please contact us by email or phone to discuss your ideas!