Employer Services

Are you seeking skilled employees to help your business grow?

The IMMPowerBC program can help you connect with skilled immigrants and internationally trained professionals who:

  • are trained to Canadian industry standards
  • can effectively communicate in English
  • have the ability to learn quickly
  • are highly motivated.

Our program focuses on employment sectors with the highest demand for skilled workers: construction, energy, hospitality/tourism and transportation. If you’re an employer in one of these targeted industry sectors, we can assist you in your employee recruiting and training efforts – at no cost to you!

Our team of employment professionals will work with you to identify the skills you need and connect you with appropriately skilled candidates by providing you with unlimited free job postings and facilitated job placement services. We can provide you with:

  • access to skilled job-seekers
  • pre-screening services
  • interview scheduling
  • assistance coordinating hiring fairs or other recruiting events.

Contact us at 604-298-4720 ext. 278 to find out how the IMMPowerBC program can assist you with your hiring needs!